Vision and Ethos
Our vision for our Christian community at the Riverside Federation is that our pupils feel valued for who they are, reach their full potential through high quality, inspirational learning experiences and are ready for life in an ever-changing world. We aim to treat everyone in our community with compassion, friendship and tolerance, and instil high aspirations for all, underpinned by the teaching that we 'love our neighbour as ourselves.' (Mark 12:31)
Our aims
At Bodiam we want all our pupils to:
- be motivated and enthusiastic learners
- have a sense of curiosity about the world around them
- be risk takers and embrace challenge
- be good citizens of our school and community
- be aspirational for their future
SIAMS Inspection 2016
The headteacher has an extremely strong and effective commitment to the school's continued development, based on its Christian foundation, values and principles.
As a clear reflection of its mission statement...the care and well-being of pupils has a very high priority. It impacts deeply and positively on personal development and on the consistently excellent progress made by all pupils from varied starting points.
Pupils are happy and proud to belong to a school which is valued as an important part of the local community. Pupils enjoy learning and relish the many enrichment opportunities on offer.
Adults take the time to get to know the pupils well. Parents appreciate the supportive relationships they and their children have with staff.