Medicines in School
Please try to arrange the pattern of medication where possible so that it does not fall at lunchtime, e.g. morning, teatime and bedtime. We will administer antibiotics where they are to be taken 4 times per day. A consent form must be completed by the parent/carer. These are available from the school office.
Eye/Ear/Nose drops
Treatment pattern should be arranged so that it is not necessary to be used at lunchtime, where possible.
Any child with conjunctivitis should not be at school as this is highly infectious.
Non-prescription medicine
Non prescription medicine is only administered in circumstances where not to do so would limit a child's access to education and the medication is appropriate for the nature of the ailment and the age of the child, e.g., Piriton for hayfever relief. If a child is fundamentally unwell, they should remain at home.
Medicine must be in the original packaging with dosage guidance and handed in to the school office.
A child under 16 should never be given aspirin or medicines containing ibuprofen unless prescribed by a doctor.
Prescribed medicines
Prescribed medicines may only be administered to the person for whom it was prescribed, labelled and supplied. Parents must fill out a consent form and hand the medicine in at the school office.
Only the prescriber may vary the dose and directions for administration, which must be shown clearly on the medicine container. Medicines must never be decanted from their original container.